Boosting UI efficiency: the transformation of a table component

Redesign of table component by AUX

The table component - a significant blocker for designers

In a large organization dealing with a myriad of internal applications, the table component evolved into a crucial bottleneck.

The challenge lay in the component's complexity, making it challenging for designers to use effectively. Designers often had to detach it from the design system to customize it for unique cases, exacerbating the problem.

Furthermore, the absence of clear guidelines on correct usage added to the complexity of this pivotal component.

Understanding what we are dealing with

Our approach began by collecting and studying all tables used across the organization. Understanding the scope and requirements allowed us to formulate a comprehensive plan, ready for execution.
Table component cell type variations - UICreating data cell types - UI
Hover states of table rows - AUXUI of a complex table

Atom by atom, molecule by molecule

Starting from the ground up, we created new components, developing them from atoms to molecules, to organisms. Speed was a priority, and we tailored the components with the designer's efficiency in mind. We used the newest features in Figma, a global UI design tool, to create a flexible table. It's powerful and can do whatever the organization needs, all while being user-friendly. Finally, we gathered all the best practices for using tables and documented them alongside the component to ensure consistency in how the table is utilized across various projects.



98% more productive

Usability tests with multiple designers revealed a remarkable improvement. With the new components, designers were building tables almost twice as fast as before, signifying a substantial 98% boost in productivity. This transformative leap allows the company to accomplish more in less time, streamlining their daily activities and enhancing overall efficiency.

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